About Freedom Lifted

Training and facilitation for leaders and teams committed to shared power

Approach History About Mia Team


We offer training and facilitation for groups seeking to grow as leaders committed to advancing justice.

 We help leaders build...

Shared language and analysis about identity and power. We reflect on and share our identities and experiences in order to recognize how they impact how we show up…in relationships, at work, and in communities. We also determine what it means to hold, build, and share power in the world and in our organizations.

Trusting relationships where everyone can honestly share ideas and concerns. This fosters a healthy feedback culture and willingness to work through and learn from conflict together.

Effective processes for communicating, making decisions, and getting things done.

 VALUES & Approach

We believe...

Communities who are earnestly trying to work for equity and justice already have all the answers they need within and around them. We simply help them derive strategies and solutions by:

  • Providing frameworks for shared language and understanding of history

  • Building relationships rooted in trust

  • Creating space for participant knowledge sharing (popular education)

  • Supporting the development of collective commitments for change

 VALUES & Approach

We bring people together with intention.

All of our training and retreats feature four elements:


Dedicating our work; agreeing to be present, curious, generous, and brave

Shared Experience

Learning from a shared journey, which can include a course, a text, or a work of art


Making meaning of experiences for ourselves


Creating space for deep listening, the exchange of ideas, and lightness


Meet the founder & CEO

Hi, I’m Mia Henry!

I am an educator, facilitator, and strategist working to help leaders and groups live into their values.

I was born and raised in the U.S. Deep South. My people were entrepreneurs, Black church leaders, NAACP + SCLC members, mass meeting attendees, HBCU graduates, sharecroppers, and, five generations ago, enslaved people.

I grew up learning about the history of the Black Freedom Struggle in the U.S. at the dinner table from my parents and family in Alabama who shared their personal stories and from the books they told me to read.

I am a legacy and I live on purpose.

Let’s work together.
Tell us about your group and your goals.

Freedom Lifted Project Planning Guide